In addition to our "
Biscuit Bake-Off" the twins and I have been trying some new ideas as I try and hand over a little of the control over their diet.
My daughter is far more willing to experiment, and far less fussy than her twin brother. She had been reading about how to make smoothies in one of the cookbooks we have here and actually came to me unprompted with her version of the recipe.
To be honest, it's not necessarily a "recipe" because you can put pretty much anything into a blender and whizz it up. What interested me was her plan to try with and without banana, which she hates.
Blackberries (not the cheapest time of the year to be trying this!!!)
orange juice
then the same again with banana added.
She did actually try both versions, but pronounced the second "pretty disgusting, too bananery". No surprise there then....
But what really interested both of us was how thick the one with banana became, and very quickly. It was a useful reminder that banana is an excellent alternative to other raising agents and makes a good thickener too!
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