Eczema, an itchy red rash, is a common cause of embarrassment for the 30 million people who are affected. It can affect any part of your body, but typical areas are the backs of knees and arms, and usually starts in childhood. Eczema is typically associated with other allergic diseases like food allergies, hay fever and asthma. Caring for skin when you have eczema can be problematic and often prompts the question what's the best way of keeping your skin beautiful and in control when you have eczema?
To keep you skin looking beautiful and healthy you need to know the cause, symptoms and triggers of your eczema.
What Causes Eczema?- The cause of eczema is unknown but it's often inherited.
- There is an itch scratch cycle that causes skin to be inflamed and irritated.
- A variety of factors including allergic sensitizations to dust mites, roach, pollens, and chemical, changes in temperature and humidity.
- Exposure to these items can cause an unexpected flare of itchy skin.
What Are Symptoms of Eczema?
- Dry irritated skin
- Intense Itching
- Red patches
- Scaling, oozing or scratching till you bleed
What Are the Triggers of Eczema?- Did you know that eczema is often triggered by allergies? Common things like dust mites, roach, and pollens can cause a flare
- In children eczema is often caused by a food sensitivity to egg and/or milk.
- Chemicals like fragrance and preservatives in your make-up, personal care products and sunscreens can also cause a flare.
- See an allergist to get evaluated and tested to determine what is driving your eczema. They will test you for environmental & food allergies and may suggest testing for chemical sensitivities.
How Can you Best Care for Your Skin?- Eczema is a state with the skin is dryer than someone with non-eczematous skin
- Use luke warm water in the shower with a gentle soap
- Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! Keeping your skin moist with lubricants will help it heal and protect it from outside exposures.
- After showering, pat skin dry and then immediately apply a moisturizer to trap in any water on your skin.
- Hydrate from the inside out with plenty of water.
- Avoid scratching.
What more information on a specific plan for you eczema? Call the office to schedule an appointment 212-679-3574 or visit our website to
book an appointment.
Want more information on eczema? Reach out to the
National Eczema FoundationWant more information on me?
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