We felt we were the ones to give a neighborhood social. Several new neighbors had moved in . They didn't know anyone, and they didn't have yards in yet. We had the space, means, and time to do it. What I didn't have was the health to prepare the food or our yard for the social. I couldn't set up, serve, or clean up. Also, we could only get together in the evening which is when I am especially tired.
We wanted to do it, but logically it didn't look possible. What I found out was that it wasn't possible. I really couldn't do much to prepare, beside plan. I couldn't do much that evening besides talk quietly to a few people. but it worked out well. How?
I simply told people about my health problems and asked for their help. I find that it is impossible for me to hide my serious health problems. Sometimes people need to know what I can and can't do. I've found that they will notice things like my being draggy, tired, confused, sleepy, disoriented, becoming pink, and dizzy. All these are symptoms of low adrenal function which I will experience if I try and do more than I am able. I think it is better for people to know I have health problems rather than thinking I don't like them. I've also found that usually people are very willing to help, cheerfully doing what I'm unable to do. I just have to be honest not only with them, but with myself. I have to accept my limitations, still do what I can, and enjoy life.
for more about out social see "Good Neighbors" on my
blog http://sherryannestories.blogspot.com/
also "How Does an Introvert Give a Social" on my blog http://rightbrainlivingandteaching.blogspot.com/
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